courtesy of Joe Magowan

Barbara Dudek is a Queer music composer and singer. Originally from Poland, they are currently a composition student at Trinity Laban Music Conservatoire in London under Amir Sadeghi Konjani and Stephen Montague. 

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March 2022

‘Breaking points’  

is the work realised in 3 weeks workshop with players from Riot Ensemble. 

Our theme was to write something ‘EXTREME’ and I have decided to write a piece, which is somewhat
extremely ambiguous. Inspired by Saariaho’s soundworld and notation from McLaughlin’s Metastable Harmony - I have added theatrical elements for the voice and tried to treat the whole composition holistically similar to Pauline Oliveros.

Particular events cue one another, so technically conductor isn’t required. However musicans have to listen to each other carefully, so the queing happens in the right order. 

Sarah Parkin - soprano
Rosie Middleton - mezzo soprano,
Stephen Upshaw - viola,
Louise McMonagle - cello